Doctoral Studies

The Doctoral School of Physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, has a partnership relation with the National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” (IFIN-HH), National R&D Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INCDFLPR), National R&D Institute of Materials Physics (INCDFM), National R&D Institute for Earth Physics (INCDFP) and National R&D Institute for Optoelectronics (INOE 2000)

The Doctoral School of Physics organizes PhD studies in the following directions:
  • Experimental and Computational Biophysics, Medical Physics
  • Physics of Atmosphere and Earth – Renewable Energy Sources
  • Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particles, Astrophysics and Applications
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Theoretical and Computational Physics
  • Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma, Lasers
  • Educational Physics
For interdisciplinary doctoral studies, the PhD student can be jointly supervised by two professors. In the University of Bucharest there is also an Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies.
Joint PhD doctoral studies with foreign universities are welcome.
Information regarding the establishment of joint PhD doctoral studies can be found here.

Generally, the doctoral studies last for 4 years, and encompass an Advanced training program (in the 1st year) followed by an individual Scientific research program (in all years), finalized by the public defense of the PhD thesis

According to the Syllabus, the total number of credits is 240.

The Advanced training program has a distinct syllabus for each direction of research (see Students/Course Schedule).
The courses can be held also in English.
The individual Scientific research program is established jointly with the PhD supervisor, and requires the presentation of a Scientific Report on each semester, with the exception of the last semester, at the end of which the pre-defense of the PhD thesis is expected.

The public defense of the PhD thesis takes place in the presence of a Committee that includes at least two professors/scientific researches from outside the University of Bucharest.

Further information can be found in the Methodology of progress and completion of the university doctoral studies at the Doctoral School of Physics, which is part of the Regulations of the Doctoral School of Physics (see Students/Rules)

The University of Bucharest encourages, including financially, the performance in research activity of doctoral students (see the relevant Methodology in the Rules section). In this respect, the student must first obtain the agreement from the university before participating at different scientific manifestations or study/research stages.

The University of Bucharest has implemented the DOCTOR EUROPAEUS/EUROPAEA route. The necessary documents (in Romanian) can be found here

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