The University of Bucharest encourages, also financially, the performing of mobilities during the doctoral stage.

In this respect the doctoral students can benefit from the opportunities mentioned in the UB Methodology for encouraging performance in the research activity of doctoral students (in Romanian). The necessary documents to be filled up can be found here, at METODOLOGIE PRIVIND ÎNCURAJAREA PERFORMANȚEI ÎN ACTIVITATEA DE CERCETARE A STUDENȚILOR DOCTORANZI (see also Students/Rules). This methodology specifies the way of gaining access to financial support for participating at national and international scientific events, conducting documentary/research/training stages, supporting financially theses in international cotutelle, conducting stages abroad as part of the European Doctorate route, ensuring materials and equipment (via purchasing or renting) necessary for the research activity of doctoral students, financial support for publication of scientific articles, etc.

In addition, the University of Bucharest has implemented the DOCTOR EUROPAEUS/EUROPAEA route. The documents necessary to be filled up for applying for this route can be found here

For assistance with official documents in Romanian please ask for help/guidance from your doctoral supervisor or colleagues

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